
Re: Thomas L. Friedman's "Who Will Succeed Al Gore?"

In regards to his New York Times' Op-Ed article "Who Will Succeed Al Gore?", two things are clear: Electing George W. Bush as president was a mistake. During all these years he hasn’t been able to take advantage of his power and early popularity to make sound decisions towards the war in Iraq and social security problems. Alternatively, Al Gore has very-well deserved the share of the Nobel Peace Prize for his tremendous dedication and work on global warming awareness, not only in this country but abroad also.

Undoubtedly, Mr. Gore has achieved, by far, more success by teaching and alerting the world about global warming than George W. Bush has achieved success with the so-called ‘work on democracy’ in Iraq.

One could argue that if Mr. Gore would have won the election of year 2000, this country and the world would be greener, peaceful, eco-friendlier and safer. Unfortunately, America and the world are everything but that these days because Americans decided to elect Mr. Bush as president.

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